Evil in Heaven?
I pray you are all doing well right now.
In the Sunday School class I go to at my church we are studying, Theodicy. Which is defined as -
defense of God’s goodness and omnipotence in view of the existence of evil.
During this discussion, the concept of free-will has come up. I believe that we as humans have free-will and that it is necessary for the glorification of God. What is glory given to God if there is no opportunity to choose to do evil.
Anyways, last week we had the question raised: Is there evil in Heaven? Of course as a Christian the answer is an easy no. Well... maybe not so easy. It is clear from scripture that there will be no evil in Heaven, but as humans we will still have that free-will that God gave us, and therefore we will have the ability to choose evil, but we will be inclined not to because we are in Heaven.
So, can we do evil in Heaven, YES, it seems that way. But evilness is contrary to God and His goodness, and it would be wrong to have evil in Heaven right? Think about the glory we give God every time we choose to follow Him instead of not following Him. Think how much more glory we will give God when we will never choose to not follow Him, as we will in Heaven.
So, the answer is no then. Or did I get confused somewhere? Is the answer, "Yes, we can, but no we won't"?
By the way, I bookmarked the blog, and I'll e-mail you tomorrow (for me that is).
Anonymous, at 21/2/06 15:12
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