The New Toy
Hello all, I got a new camera for my telescope just before Christmas. I have gone out a couple times and taken some images with it, and finally have compiled them and done a little processing on them. Now you get to see the results.
Here you have the Pinwheel Galaxy, M101. This galaxy is similar in shape to our Milky Way Galaxy. This is 60 frames at 15s each.
Here you have the Owl Nebula, M97. It gets its name because it kind of looks like the face of an owl. This is 52 frames t 10s each.
Here is M79 which is a globular cluster. A tightly bound grouping of stars. This is 30 frames at 1a each.
Here is the Leo Trio of Galaxies, also called M66. These galaxies aren't that close to together in actual distance, they just appear in the same small field of view. This is 20 frames at 3s each.
Here is the Whirlpool Galaxy, also called M51. This is 2 galaxies that are combining due to gravitational attraction. This is 60 frames at 10s each.
This is an open cluster of stars called M37. This is 30 frames at 1s each.
This one is a little harder to see, but it is called the Little Dumbbell Nebula. It is right in the center. This is 10 frames at 10s each.
Here is the Flame Nebula. It is in Orion and near the Horsehead Nebula (which you will see later). This is a complied image of 60 exposures at 3 seconds each.
Here is the Horsehead Nebula, and you can just see the Flame Nebula off the the side. This exposure is 10 frames at 30s each.
Isn't God amazing!

Isn't God amazing!