I got to see Serenity yesterday. My wife and I went with a couple friends, Nate and Kirticia, to the Cine Capri and saw it there. It was a great time with friends seeing a movie we all were very excited to see.
The movie was GREAT! The movie started with enough background to allow "outsiders" to understand the movie. But not too much to bore those that have watched and loved Firefly. Joss was able to utilize the added financing of a movie to add more special effects that are not feasible on television. The nice thing was that the special effects did not take over the movie. They were just another part of it. Another great thing was that, like Firefly, the special effects were created like they were filmed with a camera. This means that the camera would shake when needed, if it was raining or water was splashed then the "camera" would get water on it.
The writing was great as well. Joss did a wonderful job developing some of the characters. He was unable to fully develop all the characters, but the ones he did develop were done with typical Joss Weedon expertise. As with most Joss Weedon work, the characters are real people with real problems that we can relate to. Nathan Fillion (Mal) did a wonderful job portraying his hard captain character (with a bit of a soft side). Summer Glau plays River. She is the central character of the film, and she continues to play her role unbelievably. She is supposed to be a woman whom the government has manipulated. They fiddled with her brain and now she is a little "crazy." So she does a few things during the movie that show her craziness, but then she flows into the lethal woman that she is, and the action scenes are great. The choreography and filming of those scenes show the time and energy the actors and actresses put into their work.
There are some surprises, which I will not mention. I really hope it does well in the theater, and then in DVD sales so that Joss can do a second, third, etc. So, please go see it. I have talked to a few people that did not see Firefly, but went to Serenity this weekend and really enjoyed the movie. So, go see it. It is more than worth your time and money.